Exciting times at DataLords, as we’ve now just joined Nominet… and for those that don’t know who that is, they’re the organisation responsible for all .uk domain names.
But Nominet are more than just a domain registration company, and that’s why it’s so great to join as members. We’re looking forward to getting involved with them as DataLords grows. In Nominet’s words: “We want a world that is connected, inclusive and secure, and believe that technology has a fundamental and positive part to play. And we back our beliefs with action. We’ve invested over £47M in tech for good projects to date, and our ambitious public benefit programme will improve the lives of one million young people.” – you can read more on that, here.
Turning how this benefits us (and subsequently you)… becoming a member, and an accredited channel partner (we are currently just a channel partner whilst we go through the next steps) – we’ll be able to offer a feature-rich control panel, allowing the full management of .uk domains.
Becoming a member of Nominet, though, is more than anything – simply another step in the right direction for DataLords.
Our goal is to change the hosting industry for the better. Yes, for sure – we are here to make money… but it’s not all about money. We want the Internet to be a better place, especially as far as speed and connectivity goes.
It’s nothing new, that the Internet needs to be faster, and that we’re all impatient. A Google study – years ago – showed that 53% of visitors leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load (take a look at the blog from 2016 here).
It’s easy to get frustrated waiting for a site to load… and I bet you feel the same.
We’re all impatient. And there’s nothing more frustrating than when you’re on a mobile, and you click on a link, to see it sitting there, the spinning wheel of boredom, just going around and around… each second feels like a minute… and before you know it: you’ve given up, swiped back and gone to the next link.
How does joining Nominet give us any preference on speed? It doesn’t. But the point is, Nominet is one of the first pieces of the puzzle, for us to get more established, and start branching out further. We want “supplier independence” – something that is key for a truly rock solid hosting company.
So by having full control over our domain name management, we can offer more features, and have no dependency on third parties for looking after the domains themselves.
Our next steps to make our connectivity better – and to help us pave the way to a better future – are to start joining other relevant organisations that both help us with connectivity. So from that perspective, the next on our radar, is to join LINX (the London Internet Exchange).
But a core principle of ours, is that we also want to help educate people, and ‘give back’ where we can. So we’re looking at other organisations we can join, which will have a benefit for society as a whole, helping us to achieve our prime directive – to make the Internet a better place… and a safer place, which is why we’ll also be joining the IWF, to help a constant online battle to protect children from sexual abuse, among many other organisations.
We’ll also be reaching out to schools and other institutions to offer our experience, expertise, and even resources to help ensure that those shaping our future have the best, solid understanding of the Internet.
If you’re a web design agency, and want to join us, in the earlier stages, there are many good reasons to do so.
First and foremost, joining us during our beta period – you’ll pay nothing at all. We’ll agree pricing in principle for the future, but you won’t pay a thing until our system is launched out of beta. That might be three to six months, or even longer. But meanwhile, you’ll benefit from pure dedicated hosting for each and every website you host with us.